Icheté Yseto
Transit to Now
BKSH ist stolz Ihnen etwas auf die Ohren geben zu können und präsentiert Icheté Yseto - Transit to Now.
Transit to Now is the debut album of Icheté Yseto.
It takes the listener on a journey through warm spaces, incredibly precise sounds and otherworldly atmospheres.
Where light kicks mix with floating sounds of the universe, Icheté Yseto's flourishing sound collages can be found.
The album's dreamy sounds bring the worthy listener into deep waters, shimmering air movements and exstatic intermezzos.
The journey is a stirring one, an accelerating one, and whoever is not careful enough gets stuck in a trackloop. The pause button may be used while listening, but sound experts recommend that you dedicate your time to an continuous listen.
The album consists of 9 tracks, 5 of which are live recordings.

Icheté Yseto hat sein Album auf Bandcamp veröffentlicht. Hör mal rein und wenn du sagst, du möchtest das Album unbedingt haben, kannste du es dort auch käuflich erwerben.Icheté Yseto auf Bandcamp.com besuchen
released January 14, 2020
Composition / performance, mixing: Patrick Jaskiela
Mastering: Marvin Thiel
Artwork: Patrick Jaskiela, Marvin Thiel